Important ruling from UCI regarding ToMR and Motorhomes

After the recent controversy at the Giro d’Italia surrounding the use of motorhomes and the exchanging of wheels between riders from differing teams, we thought that it would be prudent to write to the UCI and seek clarification on both issues in relation to our tour. Although it could be open to other interpretations, we are taking the ensuing response of “Where the hell is Margaret River?” as confirmation that it will be ok to sleep in a motorhome at ToMR and that it will be acceptable to lend a wheel to a mate without the risk of incurring a time penalty.

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  • Crikey Cadel says:

    Crikey, I’m so glad about this. When I rocked the Giro d’Italia 2014 in my Motorhome I had a blast. I’m hoping I can make it to TOMR and I think I might carry a few dozen spare wheels and just hand them out to anyone who wants one along the par cours…#SpotTheCroc

  • Gaz says:

    Your better half told me you retired with Cadel and that you are no longer allowed to go touring Crock Man,so maybe it be best you keep your Wheeling and dealing to the back yard,,,lol

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